Preschool Three

Preschool Three 719-389-7765

The teacher's role is to help your child build skills through supporting their exploration. Children continue to explore their world and develop positive approaches to learning. When the environment is well planned and rich with a variety of materials and choices it allows children to learn at their own pace through active exploration. Thus fostering growth and development; Socially, Emotionally, Cognitively, and Physically. Always remembering play enables us to achieve the goals of our curriculum.


Report an issue - Last updated: 09/19/2022
Classroom Phone Numbers
Infant 1 389-6269
Infant 2 389-7763
Toddler 1 389-6763
Toddler 2 389-7764
Preschool 1 389-6765
Preschool 2 389-6712
Preschool 3 389-7765